Friday, February 17, 2012

Guy in the Gym

There was a guy working out in the gym the other night.  He was overweight, balding a little, kindof nerdy looking.  But he was busting his ass doing hard exercises.  He had a trainer, but she was just sitting watching him work hard.  I wanted to tell the guy, "man, what you're doing is so strong, so brave." fuck all these dudes in the gym chisilling their 32 inch biceps.  this overweight guy was out in this difficult space; gyms can be so intimidating and unwelcoming, usually dominated by really buff, in shape guys, staring into the mirror, just admiring how big their muscles are.  But this guy was doing exactly what he needed to do.  He was in the process of getting healthier, losing weight, feeling better about himself.  I felt so inspired by this guy.  It takes such courage to be overweight and not look like someone who belongs in a gym, and go into a gym and really work hard.  He was doing squats and pushups and free weights, exercises that can make someone who is out of shape look funny.  But I didn't think this guy looked funny. I was impressed.  People like him are the type of people I respect.  These are the people I want to follow.

I was reminded by a lot of friends and family this week that life is just fucking hard.  There's no way to get around it.  We lose people we love, we're faced with difficult choices, we sacrifice, we suffer, we experience trauma.  But in the face of all this we must continue to love ourselves and love the people around us.  And we must, like the overweight guy in the gym, show up and do the hard work.

I really love you all,

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